References for Calendar-2025
References From Charak Sanhita Shushrut Sanhita Ashtang Hridaya
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References From Charak Sanhita Shushrut Sanhita Ashtang Hridaya
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Ritucharya( AshtangaHridayam , Sutrasthanam, Chapter 3)Uttarayan and AadanaKala :मासैर्द्विसंख्यैर्माघाद्यैः क्रमात् षडृतवः स्मृताः|शिशिरोऽथ वसन्तश्च ग्रीष्मो वर्षाशरद्धिमाः||१||शिशिराद्यास्त्रिभिस्तैस्तु विद्यादयनमुत्तरम्|आदानं च, तदादत्ते नृणां प्रतिदिनं बलम्||२|| The months starting with magha, in combination of two, two succeeding months constitute the 6 seasons as sisira, vasanta, grisma, varsa, sarad and hemanta respectively.Adana kala — the three of them commencing with sisirartu (i.
अथातोऋतुचर्यमध्यायंख्यास्यामः।।१।।यथोवाचभगवान्धन्वन्तरिः।।२।। We will now expound the chapter ‘Rtucarya-seasonal regimen’, as revealed by the venerable Dhanvantari. Kala- time- कालोहिनाम (भगवान्स्वयम्भुरनादिमध्यनिधनः।अत्ररसव्यापसंपत्तीजीवितमरणेचमनुष्याणामायत्ते।ससूक्ष्मामपिकलांनलीयतइतिकालः, संकलयतिकालयतिवाभूतानीतिकालः।।३।। Kāla, is the name of the Divinity, which is selfborn, has no beginning, middle or end. Abnormalities and excellences of tastes (of all substances) and life and death of human beings are dependent on it.
CHAPTER VI अथातस्तस्याशितीयमध्यायंव्याख्यास्यामः॥१॥ Now (1) shall expound the chapter on ‘one’s diet’ etc. [1] इतिइस्माहभगवानात्रेयः॥२॥ As propounded by Lord Atreya. [2] तस्याशितायावाद्वाराबलंवर्णब्धवर्धते।यस्यर्तुसात्म्यंविदितंचेष्टाद्वारव्यपाश्रयम्॥३॥ One’s diet (of various types) leads to promotion of strength and complexion only if he knows the wholesomeness according to (different) seasons dependent on behaviour and diet. [3] इहखलुसंवत्सरंपडक्ङ्गमृतुविमागेनविद्यात्।तत्रादित्यस्योदगयनमादानंचश्रीनृष्छिशिरावीन्श्रीष्मान्तान्व्यवस्वेत्, वर्षादीन्पुनईमन्तान्तान्दक्षिणायनंविसर्गच॥४॥ Here, the year
News of Refresher Course in IKS UGC HRDC Nagpur University is conducting Refresher Course in IKS that will be hosted by JSDIVSR in collaboration with IKS Division of MoE, New Delhi. Course Coordinator will be Sh.Anurag Deshpande, Proj.Coordinator, JSDIVSR
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The logo of my alma-mater (VNIT Nagpur) is “योग कर्मसु कौशलम्”. Acharya Vinoba Bhave has explained its meaning in very simple words. Doing the same work more and more efficiently and skillfully is nothing else but Yoga. 21st June is World Yoga Day. The exact meaning of Yoga is to join two or more things
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Indian Veda and other ancient Indian Literature have contributed a lot for the development in Engineering, Technology and Science. Enough evidences are present in the text to show that there were innovative scientific methods and engineering concepts that showcase a charisma of our Rishis, who we believe are true Engineers. On the occasion of Engineer’s
Engineering Applications in Ancient Indian Literature Read More »
For English Blog Post Click Here आचार “ गुरू ” – संकल्पना व्यासपूजन पारंपारिक महत्त्व पौर्णिमेचे महत्त्व वस्त्र-दक्षिणा विचार उत्सवनाम : गुरूपौर्णिमा / व्यासपौर्णिमा उत्सवकाल : आषाढ शु. पौर्णिमा आचार : प्रातःकाली उठून स्नानादिकांनी शुचिर्भूत व्हावे. ज्ञानाचे आराध्य भगवान शिव, भगवान व्यास, आपल्याला गुरूस्थानी असणाऱ्या व्यक्ती, वांग्मय (ग्रंथ) इ. ची स्थापना करावी. त्यांचे आवाहान, अभिषेक
Indian culture and tradition is famous for its extra ordinary contribution in the field of science and spirituality since many years. The applications and importance of this knowledge based fields can be experienced through various customs and rituals celebrated in various parts of this country. The month January is also called as “सहस्य or पौषमास”
KAWAD/ KAWAD YATRA – AN IMPORTANT ASPECT OF INDIAN TRADITION A] What is कावड ? It is an annual pilgrimage of devotees of Lord Shiva, also known as Kawad yatra or Kawadiya to Hindu pilgrimage places which are concerned with Lord Shiva. Generally, it refers to a genre of religious performances where participants ritually carry