Ritucharya( AshtangaHridayam , Sutrasthanam, Chapter 3)
Uttarayan and AadanaKala :
मासैर्द्विसंख्यैर्माघाद्यैः क्रमात् षडृतवः स्मृताः|
शिशिरोऽथ वसन्तश्च ग्रीष्मो वर्षाशरद्धिमाः||१||
शिशिराद्यास्त्रिभिस्तैस्तु विद्यादयनमुत्तरम्|
आदानं च, तदादत्ते नृणां प्रतिदिनं बलम्||२||
The months starting with magha, in combination of two, two succeeding months constitute the 6 seasons as sisira, vasanta, grisma, varsa, sarad and hemanta respectively.
Adana kala — the three of them commencing with sisirartu (i. e. sisira, vasanta and grisma) are characterised by the northern movement of the sun and is also called uttarayana or adanakala, because sun absorbs strength from living beings daily.
तस्मिन् ह्यत्यर्थतीक्ष्णोष्णरूक्षा मार्गस्वभावतः|
आदित्यपवनाः सौम्यान् क्षपयन्ति गुणान् भुवः||३||
तिक्तः कषायः कटुको बलिनोऽत्र रसाः क्रमात्|
Since the northward movement of the sun naturally increases the heat of the places it approaches, the cooling properties are weakened.
* During this period the sun with his severe hot rays and the winds with their sharp velocity and dryness absorb the moisture from the earth.
* Due to the progressive dryness in the atmosphere during the seasons of sisira, vasanta and grisma, which enhances tikta, kasaya and katurasas respectively and results in the human beings become weak. Therefore adana (agneya) is sweltering by nature.
Dakshinyana and VisargaKala :
ऋतवो दक्षिणायनम्||४||
वर्षादयो विसर्गश्च
The remaining three seasons commencing from varsartu (i.e. varsa, sarad and hemanta) are :aracterized by the southern movement of the sun (daksinayana) and is also called visargakala.
यद्बलं विसृजत्ययम्|
सौम्यत्वादत्र सोमो हि बलवान् हीयते रविः||५||
मेघवृष्ट्यनिलैः शीतैः शान्ततापे महीतले|
स्निग्धाश्चेहाम्ललवणमधुरा बलिनो रसाः||६||
All the living beings gains strength during this period.
* Visarga is saumya. Moon is dominating in this period and the power of the sun is becoming weak.
* Due to clouds, cold breeze and rain, the power of the sun reduces and moon occupies the driving seat.
* Due to the power of moon with its cold rays unctuousness increases gradually in the nature during the seasons of varsa, sarad ‘and hemanta, which enhances amla, law ana and madhurarasas respectively and results in the human beings become strong and potent.
शीतेऽग्र्यं वृष्टिधर्मेऽल्पं बलं मध्यं तु शेषयोः|
Maximum strength will be seen in hemanta and sisirartus, medium strength in sarad and Iiisantartus where as in grisma and varsartus the people will have minimum strength.
HEMANT Ritucharya :
बलिनः शीतसंरोधाद्धेमन्ते प्रबलोऽनलः||७||
भवत्यल्पेन्धनो धातून् स पचेद्वायुनेरितः|
अतो हिमेऽस्मिन्सेवेत स्वाद्वम्ललवणात्रसान्||८||
In hemantartu due to the cold breeze the body temperature is obstructed and enters deep into the body and increases digestive fire in the strong persons and able to digest hard food substances also.
* If the proper food is not supplied to the body in winter, it might even burn body tissues.
* Hence in winter it is advised to consume more snigdha (unctuous), madhura, amla and lavana rasa (sweet, sour and salt dravy as)
दैर्घ्यान्निशानामेतर्हि प्रातरेव बुभुक्षितः|
अवश्यकार्यं सम्भाव्य यथोक्तं शीलयेदनु||९||
वातघ्नतैलैरभ्यङ्गं मूर्ध्नि तैलं विमर्दनम्|
नियुद्धं कुशलैः सार्धं पादाघातं च युक्तितः||१०||
During winter as the nights are longer everybody feels hunger immediately after getting up from the bed. Hence after attending the nature calls, whoever feel hungry, take the food substances containing madhura, amlaandlavanarasas.
* In this season one has to perform abhyahga (body massage) with vataharatailas, murdhataila (head massage), wrestling with skilled persons to half of his strength and padaghata (foot massage) etc. regularly.
कषायापहृतस्नेहस्ततः स्नातो यथाविधि|
कुङ्कुमेन सदर्पेण प्रदिग्धोऽगुरुधूपितः||११||
रसान् स्निग्धान् पलं पृष्टं गौडमच्छसुरां सुराम्|
गोधूमपिष्टमाषेक्षुक्षीरोत्थविकृतीः शुभाः||१२||
नवमन्नं वसां तैलं, शौचकार्ये सुखोदकम्|
उष्णस्वभावैर्लघुभिः प्रावृतः शयनं भजेत्|
युक्त्याऽर्ककिरणान् स्वेदं पादत्राणं च सर्वदा||१४||
Afterwards clean the oil applied over the body with the powders or decoctions of kasaya rasa (astringent) drugs and then have bath systematically.
* Later on apply pastes of kumkuma (saffron) and darpalkastun (musk) on the body followed by dhupa (fumigation) with aguru.
* Then take food containing snigdhamarhsa rasa (unctuous mutton soup), meat of well nourished animals, wine prepared from guda (j a ggar y)>suramanda, sura, wheat powder, black gram, food prepared with sugarcane and milk, freshly harvested rice, vasa (muscle fat) and taila (gingily oil).
* Use only warm water for drinking, bathing and also for washing.
* Then lie down by covering with heat protecting blankets viz. pravara (a thick sheet made of with cotton and wool), ajina (sheet made by furred animal skins), kouseya (silk cloth), prave/?/(sheet made by jute and other fibers), koucava (shawl) etc.
* Resort proper sudation by exposing to sunrays.
* It is specially recommended to wear footwear always.
पीवरोरुस्तनश्रोण्यः समदाः प्रमदाः प्रियाः|
हरन्ति शीतमुष्णाङ्ग्यो धूपकुङ्कुमयौवनैः||१५||
Indulge sex with the woman having well developed thighs, breast and buttocks, delighted with wine, in a playful mood, body warmed with fragrant fumes and youthfulness and got relief from cold.
शीतपारुष्यजनितो न दोषो जातु जायते||१६||
Those who are residing in the underground houses or rooms which are equipped with room heaters will not be affected by the troubles caused by the dryness and roughness of the cold.
अयमेव विधिः कार्यः शिशिरेऽपि विशेषतः|
तदा हि शेएतमधिकं रौक्ष्यं चादानकालजम्||१७||
As it is the beginning of adanakala, dryness will be very less and coldness is high due to the clouds, breeze and rain.
* Instead of the features of adanakala, visargakala features are more prominently seen in sisirartu, the same dietetics and regimen of hemantartu should be adopted in sisirartu also
कफश्चितो हि शिशिरे वसन्तेऽर्कांशुतापितः|
हत्वाऽग्निं कुरुते रोगानतस्तं त्वरया जयेत्||१८||
तीक्ष्णैर्वमननस्याद्यैर्लघुरूक्षैश्च भोजनैः|
व्यायामोद्वर्तनाघातैर्जित्वा श्लेष्माणमुल्बणम्||१९||
स्नातोऽनुलिप्तः कर्पूरचन्दनागुरुकुङ्कुमैः|
सहकाररसोन्मिश्रानास्वाद्य प्रिययाऽर्पितान्|
प्रियास्यसङ्गसुरभीन् प्रियानेत्रोत्पलाङ्कितान्||२१||
सौमनस्यकृतो हृद्यान्वयस्यैः सहितः पिबेत्|
शृङ्गबेराम्बु साराम्बु मध्वम्बु जलदाम्बु च|
* Due to the ingestion of the foods having madhura rasa and snigdhagunas and also the nature of the season kaphadosa was accumulated in sisirartu. In vasantartu the accumulated kapha is liquefied by the heat of the sun and as such disturbs the power of digestion and cause many a number of diseases.
* Hence to prevent such consequences, take immediate steps to conquer kaphadosa by means of shodhana and samana therapies.
* Perform sodhana therapies like tiksnavamana, nasya, dhumapanaztc.
* Advise to take food having laghu and ruksagunas.
* Vyayama, udvartana etc. should be conducted to mitigate vitiated kapha.
* After having bath besmeared with the pastes of karpura, candana, aguru, kumkuma etc. Easily digestible food like old barley, wheat, honey, jahgalamarhsa roasted on fire is prescribed, which is suitable for this season.
After having such diet healthy people are recommended to enjoy alcoholic preparations like mardvika (prepared from grapes), asava, arista, madhava (prepared from hone>sidhu (prepared from sugar cane) in company of friends.
* To make it more hilarious and fascinating they are mixed with sweet mango juices.
* Beautiful women who sweeten these by the touch of their lips serve these wines. Thi^ increases their flavor and it is made more charming by the glances of their beautiful e\ es resembling the petals of blue lotus.
* Those who are averse to wine or prohibited from using them can enjoy other beverages prepared by boiling asava, musta, dry ginger or honey with water.
दक्षिणानिलशीतेषु परितो जलवाहिषु||२३||
अदृष्टनष्टसूर्येषु मणिकुट्टिमकान्तिषु|
परपुष्टविघुष्टेषु कामकर्मान्तभूमिषु||२४||
विचित्रपुष्पवृक्षेषु काननेषु सुगन्धिषु|
गोष्ठीकथाभिश्चित्राभिर्मध्याह्नं गमयेत्सुखी||२५||
In the after noon hours spend the time in the gardens with various colourful flowers and plant> having water pools around, cooled by wind from southern direction and where the sun is some times seen but often hidden behind the clouds and where the earth shines with beauty like jewls creating an amorous air and is pleasant by the melodious voice of koels (cuckoo) in happiness Spend the time happily with the company of friends engaged in useful discussion, useful information and attractive stories etc.
One should not take the food substances containing guru, slta, snigdhaguna and madhura. amlarasas etc. during this season and also avoid sleeping in daytime.
तीक्ष्णांशुरतितीक्ष्णांशुर्ग्रीष्मे संक्षिपतीव यत्||२६||
प्रत्यहं क्षीयते श्लेष्मा तेन वायुश्च वर्धते|
As sun is very hot and the rays are sharp, kapha decreases and vata increases during summer season.
* Hence one should not take the food substances having the tastes of lavana, katu and amla.
* Avoid exercises and exposing to sun in this season.
भजेन्मधुरमेवान्नं लघु स्निग्धं हिमं द्रवम्|
Foods having madhura rasa, laghu, snigdha, sita and dravagunas should be taken in summer.
सुशीततोयसिक्ताङ्गो लिह्यात्सक्तून् सशर्करान्
After having bath with cold water, take thin gruels prepared with corn flour and sugar.
मद्यं न पेयं, पेयं वा स्वल्पं, सुबहुवारि वा|
During summer alcoholic drinks are generally prohibited. Those who are habituated, smaller quantity are prescribed that too diluted with plenty of water.
अन्यथाशोषशैथिल्यदाहमोहान् करोति तत्||२९||
Otherwise complications like emaciation, looseness of joints, burning sensation, delusion etc. may be arising.
कुन्देन्दुधवलं शालिमश्नीयाज्जाङ्गलैः पलैः|
Silli rice, which is as white as flower kunda (Jasminummultiflorum) and indu (moon) should be taken along with jahgalamamsa rasa during summer season. Take only thin mutton soup.
पिबेद्रसं नातिघनं रसालां रागखाण्डवौ||३०||
पानकं पञ्चसारं वा नवमृद्भाजने स्थितम्|
मोचचोचदलैर्युक्तं साम्लं मृन्मयशुक्तिभिः||३१||
पाटलावासितं चाम्भः सकर्पूरं सुशीतलम्|३२|
Drink rasala (curds churned without any water and mixed with sugar, pepper, dry ginger and cumin), raga (a decoction of grapes with sali, saktu, honey, sugar, powder of arrow root, cardamom, cinnamum and coriander), khandava (prepared with sour and sweet fruits) during summer season.
* Prepare pahcasara (a type of mantha prepared with draksa, madhuka, kharjura, kasmarya and parusaka) in fresh earthenware. It will get flavor of moca (kadali) and coca (panasa) due to the association of the above leaves while cooling mantha. Afterwards it should be mixed with some sour substances and serve in a mud pot.
* Cooled water flavored with patala flower and mixed with karpura (camphor) is also good for drinking during summer.
शशाङ्ककिरणान् भक्ष्यान् रजन्यां भक्षयन् पिबेत्||३२||
ससितं माहिषं क्षीरं चन्द्रनक्षत्रशीतलम्|
Take the food known as sasanka-kirana (prepared with the flakes of talisa powder mixed with camphor and sugar candy) at night. Then mix sugar in mahisaksira (buffalo’s milk) that was cooled by the rays of moon and stars is to be given as drink.
वनेषु माधवीश्लिष्टद्राक्षास्तबकशालिषु|
कायमाने चिते चूतप्रवालफललुम्बिभिः|
कोमलैः कल्पिते तल्पे हसत्कुसुमपल्लवे|
मध्यंदिनेऽर्कतापार्तः स्वप्याद्धारागृहेऽथवा||३६||
Ideal location to spend day time in summer is in the parks where the tall trees like pines (sala) and palms (tala) embrace the sky that will prevent the hot rays of the sun.
* Or spend in the houses around which bunches of flowers like jasmine and grapes are hanging from their creepers, curtains made of clothes wetted by scented, cool water, mango trees bearing fruits and tender leaves all around. In such a place set up a soft bed for sleeping in noon hours with the petals of flowers of kadali, kalhara and mrnala etc.
* Sleep in a house cooled by water fountains where statues are exhibited with water being scented with usTra and springing from the breasts, hands and mouth
निशाकरकराकीर्णे सौधपृष्ठे निशासु च||३७||
It is suggested to spend nights on terraces enjoying the cool rays of moon.
स्वस्थचित्तस्य चन्दनार्द्रस्य मालिनः|
निवृत्तकामतन्त्रस्य सुसूक्ष्मतनुवाससः||३८||
जलार्द्रास्तालवृन्तानि विस्तृताः पद्मिनीपुटाः|
उत्क्षेपाश्च मृदूत्क्षेपा जलवर्षिहिमानिलाः||३९||
कर्पूरमल्लिकामाला हाराः सहरिचन्दनाः|
मनोहरकलालापाः शिशवः सारिकाः शुकाः||४०||
मृणालवलयाः कान्ताः प्रोत्फुल्लकमलोज्ज्वलाः|
जङ्गमा इव पद्मिन्यो हरन्ति दयिताः क्लमम्||४१||
Fatigue due to the season will be relieved by — composure of the mind, besmearing the body with sandal wood pastes, wearing garlands, avoiding sexual activities, wearing light dresses, fanning with fans made of leaves of tala or padmini (lotus) made wet and also with peacock feathers, wearing garlands of karpura and mallika, and also pearl chains dipped in haricandana (white paste of sandal).
Spending with children prattling with pretty joyful accents, colorful and pretty birds like parrots, beautiful women wearing lotus stalk bangles and moving lotus lakes around etc. will remove fatigue.
आदानग्लानवपुषामग्निः सन्नोऽपि सीदति|
वर्षासु दोषैर्दुष्यन्ति तेऽम्बुलम्बाम्बुदेऽम्बरे||४२||
सतुषारेण मरुता सहसा शीतलेन च|
भूबाष्पेणाम्लपाकेन मलिनेन च वारिणा||४३||
वह्निनैव च मन्देन, तेष्वित्यन्योन्यदूषिषु|
भजेत्साधारणं सर्वमूष्मणस्तेजनं च यत्||४४||
Body is naturally exhausted in adanakala and the power of digestion is also diminished. It is further weakened in rainy season due to the vitiation of three dosas.
Vata gets vitiated due to the sky hung with long clouds filled with water and also due to humidity. Pitta is vitiated due the vapor of the earth and amlavipaka and kapha is vitiated because of dirty water and agnimandya.
Hence one should take necessary steps to pacify the vitiated three dosas and also take measures to increase the power of digestion simultaneously.
आस्थापनं शुद्धतनुर्जीर्णं धान्यं रसान् कृतान्|
जाङ्गलं पिशितं यूषान् मध्वरिष्टं चिरन्तनम्||४५||
मस्तु सौवर्चलाढ्यं वा पञ्चकोलावचूर्णितम्|
दिव्यं कौपं शृतं चाम्भो भोजनं त्वतिदुर्दिने||४६||
व्यक्ताम्ललवणस्नेहं संशुष्कं क्षौद्रवल्लघु|
* Due to the vitiation of all the tridosasvasti karma is to be conducted after performing vamana karma and virecana karma systematically.
* In order to maintain the power of digestion old cereals like yava, godhuma and Mr rice are to be given along with the processed jangalamamsarasa.
* One should drink mardwika or arista type of liquors; dadhimastu (whey) mixed with souvarcalalavana and pancakolacurna, rainwater, well water and boiled water.
* On the day when the sun is completely hidden in the clouds, take only the food having the dominance of amla, lavana rasa and sneha and suskaguna.
During rainy season use honey in general for preparing diet, drinks and other food substances.
अपादचारी सुरभिः सततं धूपिताम्बरः||४७||
हर्म्यपृष्ठे वसेद्बाष्पशीतशीकरवर्जिते|
As far as possible try to avoid walking with bear foot in rainy season.
* Wear always scented and well-fumed dress and reside in such a place that is free from moisture and cold weather.
Avoid to drink river water, udamantha (parched paddy flour mixed with water and ghee), sleeping in daytime, exertion and exposing to sun during rainy season.
वर्षाशीतोचिताङ्गानां सहसैवार्करश्मिभिः|
तप्तानां सञ्चितं वृष्टौ पित्तं शरदि कुप्यति||४९||
तज्जयाय घृतं तिक्तं विरेको रक्तमोक्षणम्|
By the influence of the season, pitta is accumulated in varsartu will be aggravated in saradrtu due to the hotness of sunrays.
* To conquer the vitiated pitta, tiktaghrtapana (administration of bitter medicated ghee internally), virecana karma (purgation therapy), raktamoksana (bloodletting) are advised.
तिक्तं स्वादु कषायं च क्षुधितोऽन्नं भजेल्लघु||५०||
Food substances containing tikta, madhura and kasayarasas and also laghugunadravyas are to be taken in this season.
* Salidhanya, mudga, sita (sugar), dhatri/amalaki, patola, madhu (honey), jangalamamsa rasa etc. are good for those who are in hungry.
तप्तं तप्तांशुकिरणैः शीतं शीतांशुरश्मिभिः||५१||
शुचि हंसोदकं नाम निर्मलं मलजिज्जलम्||५२||
नाभिष्यन्ति न वा रूक्षं पानादिष्वमृतोपमम्|
The water is exposed to the heat of the sun during the daytime and to the cool rays of the moon during night. It is also purified by time and is detoxicated by agastyanaksatra. This is known as ‘haihsodaka’, which is spotlessly clear and is as beneficial as nectar. Such water doesn’t provoke kapha as well as vata.
सौधेषु सौधधवलां चन्दिकां रजनीमुखे
Spend the evening time by enjoying moonlight seated on the radiant terrace after decorating and besmeared the body with neat dress, flower & pearl garlands, with the pastes of candana, usira and karpura.
तीक्ष्णमद्यदिवास्वप्नपुरोवातान् परित्यजेत्|
Exposure to dew and mist, taking alkaline substances, excessive eating of curds, oils & fats, exposing to sunlight, intake of strong alcoholic drinks, sleeping in daytime, exposing the wind coming from eastern direction or blowing towards the face etc. should be avoided during saradrtu.
शीते वर्षासु चाद्यांस्त्रीन् वसन्तेऽन्त्यान् रसान्भजेत्
स्वादुं निदाघे, शरदि स्वादुतिक्तकषायकान्|
शरद्वसन्तयो रूक्षं शीतं घर्मघनान्तयोः||५६||
अन्नपानं समासेन विपरीतमतोऽन्यदा|
During hemanta, sisira and varsartus take food substances having the first three tastes i.e. madhura, amla and la vana rasa.
* Where as in vasantartu take the food substances having the last three tastes known as tikta. katu and kasaya rasa dravyas.
* In grismartu, especially madhura rasa dravyas should be taken.
* During saradrtu; madhura, tikta and kasaya rasa substances are advised to take.
* In sarad and vasantartu, consume foods having ruksaguna and in grismartu one should take sitagunadravyas only, where as in the remaining three seasons viz. hemanta, sisira and varsartus; snigdha and usnagunadravyas arc agreeable for diet.
नित्यं सर्वरसाभ्यासः स्वस्वाधिक्यमृतावृतौ||५७||
To maintain the equilibrium state of the dosas, presence of six tastes in a proportionate order is essential. Hence practice to consume all tastes of diet every day by changing their ratio according to the season.
ऋत्वोरन्त्यादिसप्ताहावृतुसन्धिरिति स्मृतः|
तत्र पूर्वो विधिस्त्याज्यः सेवनीयोऽपरः क्रमात्||५८||
असात्म्यजा हि रोगाः स्युः सहसा त्यागशीलनात्|
The last and first seven days of the preceding and following two seasons together can be called rtusandhi (or) seasonal juncture. During this period the regimen of previous season should be gradually withdrawn and those of the coming season should be adopted slowly. If on the other hand, sudden withdrawn or adoption leads diseases due to unaccustomed foods and activities.
RituHaritaki –
Internal administration of haritaki by altering anupana can prevent many a number of diseases occurs in different seasons. (VangasenaRasayanadhikara)
Name of the SeasonAnupana
1 Varsartu (Rainy season)
Sindhuttha (Rock salt)
2 Saradrtu (Autumn) Sarkara (Sugar)
3 Hemanta (Early winter) Sunthi (Dry ginger)
4 Sisira (Late winter) Kana (Pippali)
5 Vasantartu (Spring) Madhu (Honey)
6 Grisma (Summer) Guda (Jaggery)